Hacking Web Servers
Web Server Attack Methodology
Information Gathering - Internet searches, whois, reviewing robots.txt
Web Server Footprinting - banner grabbing
ID Serve
nmap --script http-trace -p80 localhost
Detects vulnerable TRACE method
nmap --script http-google-email <host>
Lists email addresses
nmap --script hostmap-* <host>
dDiscovers virtual hosts on the IP address you are trying to footprint; * is replaced by online db such as IP2Hosts
nmap --script http-enum -p80 <host>
Enumerates common web apps
nmap --script http-robots.txt -p 80 <host>
Grabs the robots.txt file
Website Mirroring - brings the site to your own machine to examine structure, etc.
WebCopier Pro
Web Ripper
Vulnerability Scanning - scans web server for vulnerabilities
Nikto - specifically suited for web servers; still very noisy like Nessus
Session Hijacking
Web Server Password Cracking
Web Server Architecture
Most Popular Servers - Apache, Microsoft IIS and Nginx
Apache runs configurations as a part of a module within special files (http.conf, etc.)
IIS runs all applications in the context of LOCAL_SYSTEM
IIS 5 had a ton of bugs - easy to get into
N-Tier Architecture - distributes processes across multiple servers; normally as three-tier: Presentation (web), logic (application) and data (database)
Error Reporting - should not be showing errors in production; easy to glean information
HTML - markup language used to display web pages
HTTP Request Methods
GET - retrieves whatever information is in the URL; sending data is done in URL
HEAD - identical to get except for no body return
POST - sends data via body - data not shown in URL or in history
PUT - requests data be stored at the URL
DELETE - requests origin server delete resource
TRACE - requests application layer loopback of message
CONNECT - reserved for use with proxy
Both POST and GET can be manipulated by a web proxy
HTTP Error Messages
1xx: Informational - request received, continuing
2xx: Success - action received, understood and accepted
3xx: Redirection - further action must be taken
4xx: Client Error - request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled
5xx: Server Error - server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request
Web Server Attacks
DNS Amplification - Uses recursive DNS to DoS a target; amplifies DNS answers to target until it can't do anything
Directory Transversal (../ or dot-dot-slash) - requests file that should not be accessible from web server
Example: http://www.example.com/../../../../etc/password
Can use Unicode to possibly evade IDS - %2e for dot and %sf for slash
Parameter Tampering (URL Tampering) - Manipulating parameters within URL to achieve escalation or other changes
Hidden Field Tampering - Modifying hidden form fields producing unintended results
HTTP Response Splitting - An attacker passes malicious data to a vulnerable application through the HTTP response header.
Web Cache Poisoning - Replacing the cache on a box with a malicious version of it
WFETCH - Microsoft tool that allows you to craft HTTP requests to see response data
Misconfiguration Attack - Same as before - improper configuration of a web server. (e.g: Default settings like admin/password credentials; Lack of security controls)
Password Attack - Attempting to crack passwords related to web resources
Connection String Parameter Pollution - Injection attack that uses semicolons to take advantage of databases that use this separation method
Web Defacement - Simply modifying a web page to say something else
DoS/DDoS - Compromise availability
Shellshock - Causes Bash to unintentionally execute commands when commands are concatenated on the end of function definitions
Brutus - brute force web passwords of HTTP
Hydra - network login cracker
Basic working is Libraries use Interfaces and Modules to send attacks to services
Exploits hold the actual exploit
Payload contains the arbitrary code if exploit is successful
Auxiliary used for one-off actions (like a scan)
NOPS used for buffer-overflow type operations
Last updated